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Honey vacuum drying equipment

Specific solution for the production of new product. A simplified solution is called “honey drying”, which takes too much time during convection, and the equipment operation is complex, because a large number of equipment nodes and elements should be washed each time. The second problem is the oxidation processes that occur in the presence of air.

The idea of the solution has came up unexpectedly – by eating not properly cooked potatoes and remembering climbers who can not cook potatoes in the mountains due to reduced atmospheric pressure.

When producing honey in a particularly low pressure, in vacuum, the product does not lose its properties, and in addition, it became possible to get a completely new product, which arose as a by-product for the vacuum process.

  • Category

    Production solutions

  • Industry

    Food production

  • Started on

    Since January 2015

  • Location

    Riga, Latvia